Directors and Associates of the Law and Economics Consulting Associates conduct economic research work on the economics of Law and Regulation outlined in our practice areas statement, covering many markets including
General Competition Law & Utility Regulation
Intellectual Property
For example on intellectual property LECA Director’s was recently engaged to provide legal advice in two major related legal disputes on breach of copyright in the internet.
Industry Specific Law and Regulation
The LECA has also developed a program of research in relation to major specific industries including:
Communications and Media law and economics
Energy law and economics
Transport law and economics
As outlined further below
Communications and Media Law
A review of The Impact of Music Downloads and P2P File-Sharing on the Purchase of Music: A Study for Industry Canada, By Dr George Barker & Dr Richard Tooth, November 2007
Dr Barker led Research into the effect of the Internet on Economic Growth and Productivity for the Department of Communication, Information Technology and the Arts 2006 based on joint research with the London Business School
Dr Barker Assisted with film industry submission to Australian Government, working with the Screen Producers Association and Australian Screen Directors Association 2006
Dr Barker provided Expert Testimony in the Federal Court of Australia on Copyright Breach in the Music Industry by Online Downloading and CD Burning 2004 - Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 000 158 592) v Sharman License Holdings Ltd & Ors - 2004 -2005
Dr Barker provided Expert Testimony in the Federal Court of Australia on Copyright Breach in the Music Industry by Online Downloading and CD Burning 2005 - Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd & Ors v Cooper 2004-2005
Dr Barker provided Advice to the ACCC on the Regulation of Digital Television 2004
Advice To Department of Communications Information Technology and the Arts on the regulation of international internet charges 2004
Review of pricing and business model of internet web hosting firm 2003
Expert advice on Trade Practices Act application to Foxtel Pay TV content Sharing agreement 2002
Litigation Expert Testimony on overall economic and competition effects of a restraint of trade agreement between two commercial parties in telecommunications and broadcasting 2000
Advice and auditing of economic modeling for imputation tests in Telecommunications pricing agreements under the Trade Practices Act 2003
Advice on appropriate test for price squeezes in telecommunications cases under the Trade Practices Act 2002
Advice on market definition in price squeeze allegations in ADSL telecommunications services under the Trade Practices Act 2002 to 2004
Advice on price squeeze case on number portability services under the Trade Practices Act 2002
Litigation Expert Testimony on competitive effects of predatory pricing behaviour and contractual restraints in Telecommunications 1999.
Advice to clients on investment in 3G Telecommunications network infrastructure 2003-2004
Advice to clients in wireless telecommunications, on designing a consortium, strategy for 3 gigabytes spectrum auction bidding; corporate form for proposed deintegrated corporate structure, pro forma resale contract for the retail company, and design of network of interconnection agreements for the network company with other potential users of the 3 gigabytes wireless network 1998-2001
Advice on design of horizontal integration options for electricity and telecommunications network companies, 1998 - 2000
GSM, Telecommunications Market Restructuring, NZ 1997-1998
Expert advice on ACCC regulation of mobile telecommunications 2003
Development of Cost Benefit and Pricing Model and Analysis of Number Portability in Telecommunications Services for Consortium of Telecommunications companies including Telstra, Vodafone, British Telecom and Telecom NZ
Advice to the Korean Government on Korean Telecom Corporatisation, Deregulation and Privatisation, 1997 - 2001. Drafted the Articles of Association for Korea Telecom and Contracts of Employment for Senior Management
Advice to Korean Government on Corporate law and Financial Markets law reform to support development of domestic capital markets 2001-2002 including shareholders' rights, insolvency law, directors duties and banking law.
Energy Markets Law
South Australian Experts Panel on Microeconomic Reform 2006. The Minister of Energy for South Australia members of LECA to a panel to advise the South Australian Government on Regulatory economics; Public policy; and Market mechanisms; across a wide range of industries including Electricity; Gas; Renewable energy (Greenhouse); Water; and Transport (including rail and ports).
NSW Experts Panel on National Energy Market Reform
The Minister for Utilities for NSW has appointed Dr George R Barker, Director of LECA, to a panel to advise on National energy market reform; Natural gas competition; Development of energy and water policies; Regulatory and Network matters and Environmental matters including Greenhouse gas emissions. As part of the panel George is expected to work closely with the NSW Department of Energy, Utilities and Sustainability (DEUS).
The Economics of Bio-fuels (Ethanol) as a Renewable Energy Resource (2005-6)
Dr Barker completed two major reports for the Queensland Government on the use of Bio-fuels as a renewable energy and the potential of Ethanol production in Queensland.
Advice to COAG on its Energy Market Review (2002)
Dr Barker led an expert team which provided advice to COAG on a number of energy market reform issues including demand side participation and supply reliability. The report also provided a review of energy markets in the US, UK, Canada, NZ and Norway and draw lessons from international experience for energy market reform in Australia.
Advice to NSW IPART on electricity market rules and barriers to entry to distributed generation and Network Load Management (2002) Dr Barker provided advice to IPART on the barriers to entry to distributed generation in NSW and network load management in NSW, with particular attention to the affect of the wholesale market rules. Dr Barker developed and applied an investment and contractual analysis to form the basis of detailed identification of barriers.
Development of regulation in the New Zealand electricity sector (from 1998 and ongoing) Regulation of the New Zealand electricity sector has been undergoing a number of changes over the last four years. Dr Barker has been an economic and financial advisor in that process to a number of the largest distribution companies, including testifying before Parliamentary Select Committees and meeting with Ministers.
Korean Energy Market Deregulation and Privatization - KOGAS (2002) Dr Barker provided advice to the Korean government on a number of issues relating to the privatisation of KOGAS. He prepared a report outlining lessons from international privatisation experiences.
An Economic Analysis of Criterion (b) Under Clause 1.9 of the National Third Party Access Code for Natural Gas Pipeline Systems (2000) Dr Barker prepared a submission to the NCC for Duke Energy International. It developed a framework for regulatory decision making under uncertainty and valued the option for waiting by the regulator. The analysis was regarded by the client as path breaking.
Transport Markets Law
Expert advice on appropriate test for predation in a major Australian Airlines dispute before the Federal Court of Australia – 2002 to 2003.
Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Clause 6 of the Competition Principles Agreement and Part IIIA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (2000). Dr Barker prepared this submission on behalf of Freight Australia. Among other things, the submission argued that to an access should include sound pricing principles. These pricing principles should allow facility owners to recover all opportunity costs, including the cost of sunk capital investment; and should eschew a regulated cost base that creates disincentives for cost saving innovations. Pricing principles that dampen investment incentives or undermine investor confidence would detract from the efficiency objective of access regulation.
International Trade Law and Regulation
One of the key influences on competitive conditions in an economy is its openness to international trade and access to third markets.
China and World Trade Organisation Project
Dr George Barker was Chief Investigator under ARC Grant No. C79804936. And organised a major conference on March 17, 2001 and a series of publications to disseminate the results of the research.