Directors and Associates of the Law and Economics Consulting Associates conduct economic research work on the economics of Law and Regulation outlined in our practice areas statement, covering many markets including

General Competition Law & Utility Regulation


Intellectual Property

For example on intellectual property LECA Director’s was recently engaged to provide legal advice in two major related legal disputes on breach of copyright in the internet.


Industry Specific Law and Regulation
The LECA has also developed a program of research in relation to major specific industries including:

As outlined further below

Communications and Media Law

Energy Markets Law

Transport Markets Law

International Trade Law and Regulation

One of the key influences on competitive conditions in an economy is its openness to international trade and access to third markets.

China and World Trade Organisation Project
Dr George Barker was Chief Investigator under ARC Grant No. C79804936. And organised a major conference on March 17, 2001 and a series of publications to disseminate the results of the research.